Renko Price Bars Overlay// Shows the price renko bars (or range bars) instead of the PERIOD renko
// bars that are integrated into Trading View. The normal renko bars that
// Trading View offers only consider the drawing of a new brick when the
// price closes above or below the required brick size. This can produce
// misleading charts since depending on the time interval of a chart, new
// bricks may or may not be drawn. True price renko bars will draw a new
// brick immediately upon the price exceeding the next target brick size.
// When running this script in "Traditional" mode, the painting of the
// brick overlay band is INDEPENDENT of the chart interval. If price
// exceeds the required target price for the next brick, the band is
// updated immediately, instead of waiting for the price bar on the chart
// interval to close first. The brick starting anchor point will attempt
// to be a "nice number" at a round interval for the chart ticker. For
// example, if viewing EURUSD with the box size equal to 50 ticks/pips,
// the open and close prices will take the form of 1.2100, 1.2150, 1.2200,
// 1.2250, and so on. This is the same behavior as the normal traditional
// Renko bars in Trading View and other major trading platforms such as
// Meta Trader.
// Use the tick size in traditional mode to specify the block size, in
// ticks. This may give interesting results in FOREX pairs... as the tick
// size in Trading View may be 0.00001 instead of the normal pip size of
// 0.0001, so a 10 pip block size may be '100', and not the expected '10'.
// FOREX futures should work in the manner expected, a 10 pip block size
// will indeed equal 0.0010.
// The "ATR" mode functions differently than the Trading View built in
// version. The block size is updated each time the range is exceeded.
// In Trading View, when using the ATR mode, the ATR is the last ATR
// value calculated on the ENTIRE data interval, and is applied to all
// past data. You can see this when you press the '+' sign of the ticker
// in the top left of the chart window and you will see the brick size
// as a constant, the brick size is not a function of the ever changing
// ATR value of the price action. The block size of this script is not
// updated for each price candle (i.e. each 1HR on a 1HR chart), instead
// it is updated only when the price thresholds are exceeded requiring a
// the band to be updated. At that point the current ATR is considered
// and the brick size is updated.
// Options exist to show the current high and low of the brick, and to
// show the required levels that the price must exceed to draw a new
// brick and update the band.
Please leave comments if you notice any bugs or would like any new features added. I don't find much use for plotting the H/L of the current renko candle, but I have seen some request it in the past.
MgGinley Dynamic Divergence [DW]This is an experimental study designed to visualize momentum and average range by expressing divergences between price and a McGinley Dynamic as a percentage.
How To Set Backtest Date RangeExample how to select and set date range window to be backtested. Normally when you change chart period it changes the number of days being backtested which means as you increas the chart period (for example from 5min to 15min) you also increase the number of days traded, so you can not compare apples to apples for which period would yield best returns for your strategy. Now you can. Incorporate this code replacing buy and sell with your strategy, then simply input the From and To dates in Format -> Inputs, and then change the chart period to view updated results.
NOTE: There is a limit in backtesting to 2000 orders, so please be aware of this when setting your date ranges. If you set your range too high, you may be exceeding this limit on some periods and not on others, so this would yield incorrect comparison of returns per period. If you see in your backtesting results that you are nearing this limit for one of your periods you are testing, then reduce the date range to a smaller number of days.
(Thanks to @Gesundheit "Adeel" for pointing me in the right direction on this!)
Average Daily Range - without open barBasic ADR-indicator that is showing the daily range on lower timeframes as well, without using the current open daily bar for calculation.
Also plots as line in a separate indicator window. Updates displayed value when hovering over the candles on the chart to see historical Numbers.
Average True Range - without open barBasic ATR without the current open bar in progress, it calculates the closed bars within the chosen ATR Period
MTF Previous Open/Close/RangeThis indicator will simply plot on your chart the Daily/Weekly/Monthly previous candle levels.
The "Auto" mode will allow automatic adjustment of timeframe displayed according to your chart.
Otherwise you can select manually.
Indicator plots the open/close and colors the high-low range area in the background.
Hope this simple indicator will help you !
You can check my indicators via my TradingView's Profile : @PRO_Indicators
Up/Down Range MomentumThe Up/Down Range breaks the price range into an upward and a downward moving component, so we can easily turn it into a momentum oscillator. This script does just that.
You can find the Up/Down Range (UDR) indicator here:
Up/Down RangeMeasuring the difference between the highs and lows from the average, this measure can serve as a proxy for the volatility, just like the ATR.
However, it breaks the range into an upward and a downward moving component, so it also gives information about the current trend direction.
In fact, I turned it into a momentum indicator here:
Alan Kelland's BoxThose of you not familiar with Alan Kelland's trading method called the "Alan Square" or "DaBox" may find this indicator interesting. Here is a brief excerpt from the documentation:
Alan Kelland's Box Trading Method
A draw tool growing in popularity is the Alan Square, named after its inventor Alan Kelland. Alan's method is first and foremost price action. The square serves as a structure to create
Targets and
Percent change bar chart Strategy Backtest This histogram displays price or % change from previous bar.
Can be applied to any time frame.
This strategy buy if value above 0 and sell if value below 0.
You can change long to short in the Input Settings
Please, use it only for learning or paper trading. Do not for real trading.
Percent change bar chart v 3.0 This histogram displays price or % change from previous bar.
Can be applied to any time frame.
Added look back bars.
Bitcoin SpreadIt selects the min/max price for btc/usd from a set of exchanges and shows them on the chart. It is possible to add or remove exchanges by editing the source code
NR(X) IndicatorNarrow Range Indicator can help determine when a possible Break Out can occur through narrowing price action.
The diamonds above the bar shows the bar to completed the Narrowest Range (high - low) of your selected time period. The default period is 7 but can be changed through the inputs. The next bar will indicate with a label weather it is a predicted Break UP (Green label) or Break Down (Red label).
The original creator of this style of indicator ( even admits the accuracy is only around 50%. To help increase those odds I combined his original work with an ATR(x) to help guesstimate the direction of breakout based on overall trend direction.
B3 Donchian CloudsThis is the Donchian Channel expressed with a percentage cloud. Default 12.5% of the range will be filled at each edge, this helps to show reversal possibilities as price returns to the area between the clouds. This offers a usage to essentially fade the turtle trader system. That system is loosely based on the playing of the breakouts of the the channel... as you can see the that last turtle trade long in YM1! was and is off the charts awesome. I will look for the fall out of the cloud to short the market.
Percent change bar chart v 2.0 This histogram displays price or % change from previous bar.
Can be applied to any time frame.
15/12/2016 Update:
Number of digits after the floating point for study values on the axis now two.
Percent change bar chart This histogram displays price or % change from previous bar.
Can be applied to any time frame.
B3 Bar Cycle MTF (fix)Apologies, there was an error in printing for the thick gray boxes, happened when MTF was switched on. All better, and here is the details from before:
This is an interesting study that can be used as a tool for determining trend direction, and also could be a trailing stop setter. I use it as a gauge on MTF settings. If on, you can look at the bar cycle of the 1h while on the 15m giving you a lot of information in one tool. If a line is missing high or low, it is because it was broken, if both exist you are trading in range and cloud appears. If both sides break you get thick gray boxes above and below bar.
Get used to editing the inputs to suit your liking. Often 3-5 length and always looking at different resolutions to get a big picture story. You could put multiple instances of the study up to see them simultaneously. I based the idea off of Krausz's 3 day cycle which you can read about in his teachings. I tend to find it looking better using Heikin Ashi bar-style.
B3 Bar Cycle MTFThis is an interesting study that can be used as a tool for determining trend direction, and also could be a trailing stop setter. I use it as a gauge on MTF settings, in the pic MTF is turned off. If on, you can look at the bar cycle of the 1h while on the 15m giving you a lot of information in one tool. If a line is missing high or low, it is because it was broken, if both exist you are trading in range and cloud appears. If both sides break you get thick gray boxes above and below bar.
Get used to editing the inputs to suit your liking. Often 3-5 length and always looking at different resolutions to get a big picture story. You could put multiple instances of the study up to see them simultaneously. I based the idea off of Krausz's 3 day cycle which you can read about in his teachings. I tend to find it looking better using Heikin Ashi bar-style.
Narrow Range + Inside Day, Long Only Strategy (by ChartArt)This long only strategy determines when there is both a NR7 (narrow range 7, a trading day in which the range is narrower than any of the previous six days), plus a inside day (high of the current day is lower than the high of the previous day and the low of the current day is higher than the low of the previous day) both on the same trading day and enters a long trade when the close is larger than the open and the slope of the simple moving average is upwards, too.
The strategy closes the long trade next time the daily close is larger than the open in any of the next trading days. In addition the NR7ID can be colored (the color is green when the close is larger that day than the open, else the color is red) and the SMA can be drawn with a color based on the direction of the SMA slope. To fine-tune the strategy it is highly recommended to change the period length of the SMA, which determines if the measured SMA slope is upwards or not.
How to trade NR7 and Inside Day Pattern
Code credit:
NR7 indicator script from Tradingview user Lazybear:
Adaptive Donchian ChannelThis indicator adds a level of adaptivity to the simple Donchian Channel by adjusting the sensitivity (lookback periods) of the channel's upper and lower bounds based on the amount of time that has elapsed since the price has hit/expanded the channel boundaries. Comparing the results of this indicator to the standard Donchian Channel, the readier level of responsiveness may prove self-evident.
Specifically, the more recently the channel was expanded in one direction, the longer the lookback period grows in that direction. Conversely, if the channel has not been expanded in a given direction, the lookback period will contract so as to allow for a tighter channel.
For example, let the initial lookback period be 20 bars and let the factor argument be 0.1 (or 2 bars to start, as 20*0.1 = 2). Now say the current bar sets a new 20-period high. Then the lookback period for the upper bound is expanded by 2 bars to 22, and the lookback period for the lower bound is contracted by 2 bars to 18, thereby making it simultaneously harder to set new highs and easier to set new lows (and vice versa for hitting new lows). If neither a new high nor a new low is formed, both periods contract by the given factor.