Lib_KEZ_MALibrary "Lib_KEZ_MA"
TODO: в библиотеке мною созданные сглаженные
rsx(_x, _per, _a, _b)
TODO: сглаживание для линии на основе осцилятора RSX
_x (float)
_per (simple float)
_a (float)
_b (float)
Returns: TODO: сглаженное значение
ZigZagPlusLibrary "ZigZagPlus"
method lastPivot(this)
Returns the last `Pivot` object from a `ZigZag` instance if it contains at
least one `Pivot`, and `na` otherwise.
Can be used as a function or method.
Namespace types: ZigZag
this (ZigZag) : (series ZigZag) A `ZigZag` object.
Returns: (Pivot) The last `Pivot` object in the `ZigZag`.
method update(this)
Updates a `ZigZag` objects with new pivots, volume, lines, and labels.
NOTE: This function must be called on every bar for accurate calculations.
Can be used as a function or method.
Namespace types: ZigZag
this (ZigZag) : (series ZigZag) A `ZigZag` object.
Returns: (bool) `true` when a new pivot point is registered and the `ZigZag` is updated,
`false` otherwise.
Instantiates a new `ZigZag` object with optional `settings`.
If no `settings` are provided, creates a `ZigZag` object with default settings.
settings (Settings) : (series Settings) A `Settings` object.
Returns: (ZigZag) A new `ZigZag` instance.
Provides calculation and display properties to `ZigZag` objects.
devThreshold (series float) : The minimum percentage deviation from a point before the `ZigZag` changes direction.
depth (series int) : The number of bars required for pivot detection.
lineColor (series color) : The color of each line drawn by the `ZigZag`.
extendLast (series bool) : A condition allowing a line to connect the most recent pivot with the current close.
displayReversalPrice (series bool) : A condition to display the pivot price in the pivot label.
displayCumulativeVolume (series bool) : A condition to display the cumulative volume for the pivot segment in the pivot label.
displayReversalPriceChange (series bool) : A condition to display the change in price or percent from the previous pivot in each pivot label.
differencePriceMode (series string) : The reversal change display mode. Options are "Absolute" or "Percent".
draw (series bool) : A condition to determine whether the `ZigZag` displays lines and labels.
allowZigZagOnOneBar (series bool) : A condition to allow double pivots i.e., when a large bar makes both a pivot high and a pivot low.
Represents a significant level that indicates directional movement or potential support and resistance.
ln (series line) : A `line` object connecting the `start` and `end` chart points.
lb (series label) : A `label` object to display pivot values.
isHigh (series bool) : A condition to determine whether the pivot is a pivot high.
vol (series float) : The cumulative volume for the pivot segment.
start (chart.point) : A `chart.point` object representing the coordinates of the previous point.
end (chart.point) : A `chart.point` object representing the coordinate of the current point.
An object to maintain a Zig Zag's settings, pivots, and cumulative volume.
settings (Settings) : A `Settings` object to provide calculation and display properties.
pivots (array) : An array of `Pivot` objects.
sumVol (series float) : The volume sum for the current `Pivot` object's line segment.
extend (Pivot) : A `Pivot` object used to project a line from the last pivot point to the current bar.
乖离率-EMA回撤保护策略根据两个乖离率差值和随机指数寻找入场点 给予目标行情N根K线进行开展(N可自定义)
使用EMA均线进行回撤保护(EMA来源 周期可自定义)包括限定时间内上下穿 利润回撤
利润回撤不同比例 20% 40% 会自动部分保护平仓
不同品种不同周期乖离率不同(山寨币 主流币不同)乖离率阈值需要大一些
两个乖离率阈值差值越大 阈值二越大 行情越极端 偏离越多 回归需求越大 胜率越高 交易次数越少
条件二不易触发 条件三较为极端(利润可观) 条件一为核心
底部为条件一 二 三 指示灯 可看策略内的条件介绍
WAVE시그널(추세)WAVE 시그널(추세) - SuperTrend 기반 트렌드 지표
🔹 개요
WAVE 시그널(추세)은 ATR(평균 진폭)과 SuperTrend 알고리즘을 기반으로 시장의 상승 및 하락 추세를 분석하는 지표입니다.
ATR을 활용한 변동성 조절 기능과 매수/매도 신호를 제공하여 트레이더들이 보다 정확한 진입 및 청산을 결정할 수 있도록 돕습니다.
🔹 주요 기능
✅ SuperTrend 기반 추세 감지: 상승/하락 추세를 ATR을 이용하여 효과적으로 탐지
✅ 매수/매도 신호 표시: 추세 전환 시 매수(초록) 및 매도(빨강) 라벨을 표시하여 진입 타이밍 제공
✅ 변동성 반영 가능: ATR 계산 방식을 선택하여 사용자 맞춤형 조정 가능
✅ 시각적 강조 효과: 상승/하락 추세에 따른 차트 하이라이팅 기능
✅ 알림(Alert) 기능: 추세 전환 및 매수/매도 신호 발생 시 알람 전송
🔹 활용 방법
📌 추세 매매: SuperTrend 선이 상승할 때 매수, 하락할 때 매도 신호로 활용
📌 변동성 매매: ATR 값을 조절하여 변동성이 높은 구간에서도 대응 가능
📌 알림 설정: 매매 신호 또는 추세 변화를 감지하는 자동화된 트레이딩 전략에 적용
💡 본 스크립트는 단독으로 사용하기보다 다른 보조 지표와 함께 활용하면 더욱 효과적입니다.
ICT Trading Signals (Optimized for M15)1. Mô tả
Chỉ báo ICT Trading Signals được tối ưu hóa cho khung thời gian M15, giúp nhà giao dịch xác định các điểm vào lệnh dựa trên phương pháp ICT (Inner Circle Trader). Chỉ báo này kết hợp các yếu tố quan trọng của ICT như Liquidity Grab, Order Block (OB), và Fair Value Gap (FVG) để đưa ra tín hiệu BUY/SELL chính xác.
2. Cách hoạt động
- Xác định Liquidity Grab
Chỉ báo kiểm tra xem giá có quét qua mức cao nhất hoặc thấp nhất của 10 cây nến gần nhất không.
Khi giá phá vỡ mức cao trước đó → Xác định Liquidity Grab Buy.
Khi giá phá vỡ mức thấp trước đó → Xác định Liquidity Grab Sell.
Xác định Order Block (OB)
Bullish OB: Xảy ra khi nến giảm mạnh trước đó bị phá vỡ bởi hai nến tăng liên tiếp.
Bearish OB: Xảy ra khi nến tăng mạnh trước đó bị phá vỡ bởi hai nến giảm liên tiếp.
Xác định Fair Value Gap (FVG)
FVG Bullish: Khi có khoảng trống giá giữa nến hiện tại và nến trước đó, thể hiện áp lực mua mạnh.
FVG Bearish: Khi có khoảng trống giá giữa nến hiện tại và nến trước đó, thể hiện áp lực bán mạnh.
3. Điều kiện vào lệnh
BUY Signal khi có Liquidity Grab Buy + Bullish OB + FVG Bullish.
SELL Signal khi có Liquidity Grab Sell + Bearish OB + FVG Bearish.
Hiển thị tín hiệu trên biểu đồ
Chỉ báo hiển thị mũi tên xanh lá dưới nến khi có tín hiệu BUY.
Chỉ báo hiển thị mũi tên đỏ trên nến khi có tín hiệu SELL.
4. Ứng dụng thực tế
Nhà giao dịch có thể sử dụng chỉ báo này để tìm các điểm vào lệnh theo phương pháp ICT mà không cần phải vẽ tay các vùng thanh khoản, OB hay FVG.
Chỉ báo giúp xác định các vùng tiềm năng mà Smart Money có thể tham gia thị trường, giúp bạn giao dịch theo hướng của dòng tiền lớn.
5. Lưu ý
- Chỉ báo được thiết kế để sử dụng trên khung thời gian M15 (XAUUSD - OANDA).
- Không nên giao dịch chỉ dựa vào tín hiệu của chỉ báo mà cần kết hợp với phân tích đa khung thời gian để tăng độ chính xác.
WAVE(구름)시그널WAVE(구름) 시그널 - Volumatic VIDYA by BigBeluga
🔹 개요
WAVE(구름) 시그널은 변동성 기반의 VIDYA(Variable Index Dynamic Average) 지표를 활용하여 시장의 트렌드를 시각적으로 표현하는 맞춤형 인디케이터입니다. 변동성과 모멘텀을 고려한 스마트한 필터링을 통해 트렌드 반전, 지지/저항 레벨, 유동성 영역 등을 효과적으로 탐지할 수 있습니다.
🔹 기능 및 특징
✅ VIDYA 기반 트렌드 분석: 시장의 모멘텀을 반영하여 지속적인 상승/하락 트렌드를 감지
✅ 유동성 영역 시각화: 주요 지지/저항 구간을 표시하여 고액 거래 구역을 쉽게 식별 가능
✅ ATR(평균 진폭) 기반 밴드: 변동성을 반영한 상단/하단 밴드를 활용해 트렌드 강도 분석
✅ 트렌드 변화 감지: 상승/하락 전환 지점에 ▲▼ 마커를 배치하여 매매 타이밍 포착
✅ 볼륨 기반 필터링: 거래량 변화를 감지하여 매매 신호의 신뢰도를 보완
🔹 활용 방법
📌 트렌드 매매: VIDYA 라인이 상승 전환 시 매수, 하락 전환 시 매도 시그널로 활용
📌 유동성 분석: 주요 저항/지지선에서 거래량 분포를 확인하여 진입 및 청산 전략 수립
📌 과매수/과매도 감지: ATR 기반 상/하단 밴드를 돌파하는 움직임을 통해 변동성 분석
EUR/AUD 15M Enhanced Trend Strategy, GROK versionGrok !
Run on the EUR AUD 15M Enhanced Trend Strategy developed by Grok,
FTLTD Buy Sell vol.1FTLTD Buy Sell vol.1
This script, developed by Finance Technologies LTD, integrates multiple technical indicators to provide precise buy and sell signals for short-term trading. It includes Stochastic, MACD, Fibonacci levels, Keltner Channel, SuperTrend, Parabolic SAR, and key support and resistance levels across multiple timeframes. The indicator helps identify trend reversals, retracement opportunities, and breakout confirmations, offering traders reliable entry and exit points in both trending and ranging markets.
PriorRange v0.3 [OmarxQQQ/dc_77]PriorRangeLevels is a versatile indicator that plots key price levels based on prior period ranges across multiple timeframes. This tool helps traders identify potential support, resistance, and breakout zones by displaying the High, Low, 75%, 50% (EQ), and 25% levels from the previous period.
Key Features:
- Multi-timeframe analysis from 1-minute to Monthly charts
- Time zone flexibility with options for major global markets (NYC, London, Tokyo, etc.)
- Customizable display for each level (High, Low, 75%, EQ, 25%, Open)
- Clean, organized settings interface with grouped options
- Anchor line marking the start of prior periods
- Current period open price reference
How It Works:
The indicator detects new periods based on your selected timeframe and calculates the range of the previous period. It then plots horizontal lines at the High, Low, and three internal levels (75%, 50%, 25%) extending forward by your specified number of bars. These levels serve as potential support/resistance zones and decision points for your trading strategy.
Trading Applications:
- Use High/Low levels as potential breakout targets or reversal zones
- Monitor price reaction to the EQ (50%) level to gauge trend strength
- Identify intraday support/resistance based on previous period ranges
- Plan entries and exits around established market structure
Each component can be individually customized with different line styles, colors, and widths to match your chart preferences and analytical needs.
Originally created by @dc_77 with enhanced organization, multi-timeframe capabilities, and improved user interface. As Requested by many people.
populi a populo pro populo
Three Highs & Three Lows (Last 50 Candles) - Thicker Linesthis indicator shows three highs and three lows by analysis last 50 candles
QSL Upside/DownsideThe QSL Upside/Downside Indicator helps traders estimate potential gains and losses using Conditional Value at Risk (cVaR), a statistical measure that assesses both downside risk and upside potential beyond standard volatility. Instead of fixed timeframes (daily, weekly, etc.), traders can set a custom lookback period (in days) to analyze market behavior over their preferred time frame.
How It Works
The indicator calculates cVaR over the chosen period to determine how much an investment could move up or down based on past price behavior. It does this by:
• Mean Return – The average price movement over the period.
• Standard Deviation – Measures price fluctuations from the average.
• cVaR Confidence Interval (95%) – Estimates worst-case losses, meaning the downside projection reflects the worst 5% of expected losses.
• Upside Potential (Best 5%) – Instead of only considering risk, this indicator also calculates the potential upside by measuring returns in the top 5% of past price movements.
This provides a more complete view of what traders can expect—both in terms of risk and potential reward.
Key Features
✅ Custom Lookback Period – Set any number of days to analyze.
✅ cVaR Calculation (95% Confidence Interval) – Identifies extreme downside risks.
✅ Upside Potential (Best 5%) – Estimates how much an investment could rise in a best-case scenario.
✅ Clear Table Display – Quickly see projected best and worst-case portfolio values.
Understanding Probabilities: Upside & Downside Potential
Most traders focus on risk, but it’s equally important to understand potential gains. This indicator provides a probability-based view of expected market moves:
• 95% Confidence Interval (Downside cVaR) – There’s a 5% chance that losses could exceed this level.
• 95% Confidence Interval (Upside cVaR) – There’s a 5% chance that gains could be greater than this level.
• The remaining 90% of expected returns fall between these two extremes.
By knowing both potential losses and gains, traders can make more balanced, data-driven decisions rather than only focusing on worst-case scenarios.
Why Use This Indicator?
🔹 Better Risk & Reward Assessment – Understand both downside risk and upside potential.
🔹 More Realistic Market Projections – Uses probabilities instead of simple historical averages.
🔹 Flexible & Customizable – Works with any asset and any time period.
With this tool, QSL members can strategically plan trades, knowing the expected best and worst-case outcomes with a 95% probability range. 🚀
RSI Divergence_v1This indicator detects RSI Divergences (both regular and reverse) to identify potential reversals and trend continuations. It integrates ADX & DI for trend strength confirmation, MACD from the weekly timeframe for momentum validation, and ATR-based stop loss levels for risk management.
Have back tested with Nifty50 with Positive returns and Drawdown %. TIA.
QSL Rolling VolatilityThis script calculates the rolling annualized volatility of an asset, helping traders measure how much its returns fluctuate over time. It uses logarithmic daily returns and computes the standard deviation over a custom lookback period (default: 252 trading days = 1 year) to capture historical volatility. The result is scaled to an annualized figure by multiplying by √252, making it comparable across different timeframes.
🔹 Key Features:
• Customizable Lookback Period: Set in days to fit different trading strategies.
• Annualized Output: Expresses volatility in yearly terms for consistency with financial models.
• Rolling Calculation: Continuously updates to reflect recent market conditions.
• Clear Visualization: Plots volatility as a time-series indicator and displays the latest value with a label.
This tool is ideal for risk management, position sizing, and strategy optimization in quantitative trading. 🚀
QSL Rolling Annualized VolatilityThis script calculates the rolling annualized volatility of an asset, helping traders measure how much its returns fluctuate over time. It uses logarithmic daily returns and computes the standard deviation over a custom lookback period (default: 252 trading days = 1 year) to capture historical volatility. The result is scaled to an annualized figure by multiplying by √252, making it comparable across different timeframes.
🔹 Key Features:
• Customizable Lookback Period: Set in days to fit different trading strategies.
• Annualized Output: Expresses volatility in yearly terms for consistency with financial models.
• Rolling Calculation: Continuously updates to reflect recent market conditions.
• Clear Visualization: Plots volatility as a time-series indicator and displays the latest value with a label.
This tool is ideal for risk management, position sizing, and strategy optimization in quantitative trading. 🚀
Simple TestPurpose: This indicator identifies potential liquidity zones and grabs based on the previous week's price action.
Key Components:
Tracks previous week's high and low prices
Plots these levels as dotted lines (red for high, green for low)
Detects "liquidity grabs" when price exceeds these levels but closes back within them
Logic Explained:
prevWeekHigh and prevWeekLow are updated at the start of each new week using the highest high and lowest low of the past 7 periods
A "Bear Trap" (red triangle up) appears when price exceeds the previous week's high but closes below it
A "Bull Trap" (green triangle down) appears when price falls below the previous week's low but closes above it
Red dotted line: Previous week's high
Green dotted line: Previous week's low
Red triangle up: Bearish liquidity grab
Green triangle down: Bullish liquidity grab