Futures Spread TableСчитает спреды с вечными фьючами на моексе.
Все валютные пары. Акции с вечными. Моекс.
Broad Market MOEX non normalazeBroad Market MOEX - Relative Strength Indicator for MOEX Stocks
This indicator allows you to compare the price dynamics of major Moscow Exchange stocks relative to the selected asset during the trading session.
• Tracks 10 key MOEX stocks: Sberbank, Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazprom Neft, NOVATEK, Nornickel, Polyus, Tatneft, Surgutneftegas, Severstal
• Shows the percentage price change of each stock relative to the base price at the start of trading (default 9:00 MSK)
• Allows you to customize the base time for reference
• Clearly displays the strength and weakness of individual stocks relative to each other
• Helps identify leaders and laggards during the trading session
How to use:
1. Add the indicator to any MOEX stock chart
2. Adjust the base time if needed (default 9:00)
3. Monitor the relative dynamics of stocks
4. Use for:
- Finding strong/weak stocks
- Identifying sector rotation
- Intraday trading
- Correlation analysis
Color coding of lines helps easily identify each stock on the chart.
The indicator is useful for intraday traders and anyone monitoring the relative strength of stocks on the Moscow Exchange.
Future's spread with base contract (MOEX)English:
Indicator calculates spread between future and it's theoretical price baased on base contract, number of days to expiration and central bank key rate.
I didn't find any means of getting base contract of security on chart so I hardcoded futures and corresponding base contracts.
Hardcoded futures are MOEX (Moscow Exchange) only and key rate used in script is Russian Central Bank's key rate from 2013, but I believe you can easily adapt it to any other key rate history. I can share source code of tiny C++20 utility for easy generation of get_rate(time) function from more human-readable date format rather then UNIX timestamp used in PineScript.
Only quarterly futures are supported. Only in "SIU2022" like notation. "SI1!" like aliases are not supported.
Индикатор отображает спред фьючерса к его теоретической цене с учётом усыхания на каждый день.
Не нашёл, как определить базовый актив фьючерса средствами TradingView - поэтому это соответствие захардкожено вручную.
Поддерживаются только квартальные фьючерсы, только MOEX, только хардкор.
Поддерживается история ключевой ставки ЦБ РФ с 2013 года.
Используйте коды фьючерсов вида "SIU2022".
Не поддерживаются альясы вроде "SI1!", "EU1!".