High-Low RangeThis script just shows a histogram of the daily range. You can change the interval to view the high/low range of any period, but I use it just to see what the day's range is and how it compares to prior days. Simple and straightforward.
New Highs-Lows AMEX-Buschi
This indicator shows the AMEX's up volume (green) and down volume (red).
Extreme trading days with more than 90 % up or down volume are marked via lines (theoretically values) and triangles (breaches).
Dieser Indikator zeigt das Aufwärts- (grün) und Abwärts-Volumen (rot) der AMEX.
Extreme Handelstage mit mehr als 90 % Aufwärts- oder Abwärts-Volumen ist gekennzeichnet über Linien (theoretische Werte) und Dreiecke (Überschreitungen).
New Highs-Lows NASDAQ-Buschi
This indicator shows the NASDAQ's new highs (green) and new lows (red).
Extreme trading days with more than 99 % new highs relative to new lows vice versa are marked via lines (theoretically values) and triangles (breaches).
Dieser Indikator zeigt die neuen Hochs (grün) und neuen Tiefs (rot) der NASDAQ.
Extreme Handelstage mit mehr als 99 % neuen Hochs relativ zu den neuen Tiefs und andersherum sind gekennzeichnet über Linien (theoretische Werte) und Dreiecke (Überschreitungen).
New Highs-Lows NYSE-Buschi
This indicator shows the NYSE's new highs (green) and new lows (red).
Extreme trading days with more than 99 % new highs relative to new lows vice versa are marked via lines (theoretically values) and triangles (breaches).
Dieser Indikator zeigt die neuen Hochs (grün) und neuen Tiefs (rot) der NYSE.
Extreme Handelstage mit mehr als 99 % neuen Hochs relativ zu den neuen Tiefs und andersherum sind gekennzeichnet über Linien (theoretische Werte) und Dreiecke (Überschreitungen).
Middle-High-Low Moving AverageThis indicator was originally developed by Vitali Apirine (Stocks & Commodities , V.34:9 (August, 2016): "The Middle-High-Low Moving Average").
You can use it to create a crossover trading system in conjuction with EMA/SMA.
Good luck!
Sector High/LowHighlights which S&P SPDR Sector ETFs are at highs of day (green letter) or lows of day (red letter)
The first candle of the day is always all-green because by default the first candle of the day has the high of the day. So this indicator is more meaningful later in the day when sectors are making repeated highs/lows
ZigZag Repaint Examplesimple example showing how to use na to create straight lines that "repaint" as the latest bars update.
Swing Highs and LowsSimple script to overlay swing highs and lows.
A Swing High (SH): a price bar high preceded by two lower highs (LH) and followed by two lower highs (LH).
Daily High/Lowmodified version of Mike Witts Daily High/Low indicator.
This is a simple change that removes the 1-day offset from the indicator.
Prev HHLL Round NumbersDisplays previous highs and lows. Added Round numbers.
Modified Chris Moody script.
Higher High Lower Low OscillatorWith this oscillator you can see how higher and lows are developing against each other
Binque's Multi-Moving Average Binque's Multi-Moving Average - One indicator with four simple moving average and four exponential moving averages, plus as a bonus a Day High moving average and a Day Low Moving Average.
Simple Moving Average or MA(14), MA(50), MA(100) and MA(200) all in one indicator
Exponential Moving Average or EMA(8), EMA(14), EMA(20) and EMA(33) all in one indicator
Day High Moving Average - Tracks the Daily High versus most moving averages track the daily close.
Day Low Moving Average - Tracks the Daily Low versus most moving average track the daily close.
To Disable moving averages, Set the color to the chart background and then set the length to 1 and uncheck.
I Use the Daily High Moving Average to track upward resistance in a stock movement for Swing Trading.
I Use the Daily Low Moving Average to track my trailing stop in a stock movement for Swing Trading.
Yesterday Line: Lines at Yesterday's Open, Close, High, and Lowcreated by AutemOx
twitter: @joyrider5
reddit: /u/joyrider5
This creates lines at yesterdays open, close, high, and low. It is pretty amazing use of the timenow and dayofweek variables if I say so myself 8)
Odd Bars Emiliano MesaSimple code which will find and highlight big price movements in a small period of time. This price movements will usually have an opposite reaction of the same size.
Use this indicator under your own risk.
Emiliano Mesa
DayLowDayLow(x) tracks the days since a new low on a chart. I like to use this indicator to track trends up and down. I use a double DayLow indicator: DayLow(5) Red Line + DayLow(6) shaded red This is a short term indicator to let new know a stocks weakness early on the chart.
Kozlod - All-time high/low alertsA small script to track all-time high/low levels.
You can create alerts when levels will be updated.
52WLow - 52 Week Low 52WLow - Plot the moving 52week low of the stocks daily price. Great for giving warning when a stock is close or about to break down to a new low. Best is used with a light red shading below line.
DayLow - Chart the Moving Average of the DAILY LOW PriceThis is a moving average of the Daily LOW Price over a short period of time (i.e. 3 day low moving average, etc...) Great for tracking trailing stops for a stock on an up swing.