Autocorrelation Price Forecasting [The Quant Science]Discover how to predict future price movements using autocorrelation and linear regression models to identify potential trading opportunities.
An advanced model to predict future price movements using autocorrelation and linear regression. This script helps identify recurring market cycles and calculates potential gains, with clear visual signals for quick and informed decisions.
Main function
This script leverages an autocorrelation model to estimate the future price of an asset based on historical price relationships. It also integrates linear regression on percentage returns to provide more accurate predictions of price movements.
Insights types
1) Red label on a green candle: Bearish forecast and swing trading opportunity.
2) Red label on a red candle: Bearish forecast and trend-following opportunity.
3) Green label on a red candle: Bullish forecast and swing trading opportunity.
4) Green label on a green candle: Bullish forecast and trend-following opportunity.
The indicator displays a future price forecast. When negative, it estimates a future price drop.
When positive, it estimates a future price increase.
Key Features
Customizable inputs
Analysis Length: number of historical bars used for autocorrelation calculation. Adjustable between 1 and 200.
Forecast Colors: customize colors for bullish and bearish signals.
Visual insights
Labels: hypothetical gains or losses are displayed as labels above or below the bars.
Dynamic coloring: bullish (green) and bearish (red) signals are highlighted directly on the chart.
Forecast line: A continuous line is plotted to represent the estimated future price values.
Practical applications
Short-term Trading: identify repetitive market cycles to anticipate future movements.
Visual Decision-making: colored signals and labels make it easier to visualize potential profit or loss for each trade.
Advanced Customization: adjust the data length and colors to tailor the indicator to your strategies.
Prediction price models have some limitations. Trading decisions should be made with caution, considering additional market factors and risk management strategies.
Relative Strength and MomentumRelative Strength and Momentum Indicator
Unlock deeper market insights with the Relative Strength and Momentum Indicator—a powerful tool designed to help traders and investors identify the strongest stocks and sectors based on relative performance. This custom indicator displays essential information on relative strength and momentum for up to 15 different symbols, compared against a benchmark index, all within a clear and organized table format.
Key Features:
1. Customizable Inputs: Choose up to 15 symbols to compare, along with a benchmark index, allowing you to tailor the indicator to your trading strategy. The 'Lookback Period' input defines how many weeks of data are analyzed for relative strength and momentum.
2. Relative Strength Calculation: For each selected symbol, the indicator calculates the Relative Strength (RS) against the chosen benchmark. This RS is further refined using an exponential moving average (EMA) to smooth the results, providing a more stable trend overview.
3. Momentum Analysis: Momentum is determined by analyzing the rate of change in relative strength. The indicator calculates a momentum rank for each symbol, based on its relative strength’s improvement or deterioration.
4. Percentile Ranking System: Each symbol is assigned a percentile rank (from 1 to 100) based on its relative strength compared to the others. Similarly, momentum rankings are also assigned from 1 to 100, offering a clear understanding of which assets are outperforming or underperforming.
5. Visual Indicators:
a. Green: Signals improving or stable relative strength and momentum.
b. Red: Indicates declining relative strength or momentum.
c. Aqua: Highlights symbols performing well on both relative strength and momentum—ideal candidates for further analysis.
6. Two Clear Tables:
a. Relative Strength Rank Table: Displays weekly rankings of relative strength for each symbol.
b. Momentum Table: Shows momentum trends, helping you identify which symbols are gaining or losing strength.
7. Color-Coded for Easy Analysis: The tables are color-coded to make analysis quick and straightforward. A green color means the symbol is performing well in terms of relative strength or momentum, while red indicates weaker performance. Aqua marks symbols that are excelling in both areas.
Use Case:
a. Sector Comparison: Identify which sectors or indexes are showing both relative strength and momentum to pick high-potential stocks. This allows you to align with broader market trends for improved trade entries.
b. Stock Selection: Quickly compare symbols within the same sector to find the stronger performers.
Plot background depending on Index EMA 10 and EMA 20This indicator gives the user an easy way to check the conditions of the market.
Up market should be good for breakout traders.
Down market should be good for breakdown shortsellers
The others should be good for pullback buyers.
This script automaticlly check which index should be used for the depending on which ticker is view. If no match is found indicator will use IXIC as reference.
The script works for Nordic and US stocks.
It then alculated the EMA10 and EMA20 for the index and plots the background depending on 6 differnet conditions.
EMA10 below EMA20 and EMA10 and EMA20 is sloping down. //Down market
EMA10 above EMA20 and EMA10 and EMA20 is sloping up. //Up market
EMA10 below EMA20 and EMA10 sloping up and EMA20 is sloping down. //First indication by market to move up
EMA10 above EMA20 and EMA10 sloping down and EMA20 is sloping up. //First indication by market to move down
EMA10 below EMA20 and EMA10 sloping up and EMA20 is sloping up. //Possible MA cross over
EMA10 below EMA20 and EMA10 sloping down and EMA20 is sloping down. //Possible MA cross over
Ticker vs IndexI was exploring a simple idea how I can visualize the ticker performance against the underlying Index (or any other ticker) performance.
how it works:
When the line is moving up (blue zone), the ticker is performing better than the underlying index (e.g. SPX)(configurable).
When the line is moving down (red zone), the ticker is performing worse than the underlying index.
How to use it:
Use as confirmation always in conjunction with other (main) indicators, avoid "buy" when indicator is in the red zone
Also, crossing over the zero line is often an indication for an upcoming upward move
Try to different SMA length - default is 20 but 10 was often showing better results
(No financial advise, for testing purposes only)
world stage indexThis is an indicator that expresses the ratio of "stage1" and "stage4" of world index.
40 symbols are as follows
(Pacific Ocean)
(Eastern Europe & Middle East)
The criteria are as follows:
EMA5≧EMA20≧EMA40 : Stage1
EMA5≦EMA20≦EMA40 : Stage4
A.The sum of Stage1 was multiplied by 2.5 and drawn on a scale of 0 to 100, with yellow area
B.The Sum of Stage4 was multiplied by 2.5 and drawn on a scale of 0 to 100, with blue area.
C. The ratio of A/B was multiplied by 2.5 and drawn on a scale of 0 to 100, with red lines.
This idea is from Kojirou Kousi.
40 symbols of this script are partially different from Kojiro kousi's idea.
But he said the difference isn't matter.