Library "myAlerts"
My Alerts Functions - To use with autoview
f_order(_price, _qty, _position, _account, _exchange, _i, i_qtyTypeOrder, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the entry order message
_price: - The order price
_qty: - The order quantity
_position: - The order side
_account: - The user account
_exchange: - The user exchange
_i: - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_qtyTypeOrder: - String used to set Thether or Bitcoin Type Orders
typeMsg: - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker: - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
f_stop(_stop_price, _slLimit_price, _account, _exchange, _i, i_delayOrders, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the stop order message
_stop_price: - The order stop price
_slLimit_price: - The order stop limit price
_account: - The user account
_exchange: - The user exchange
_i: - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_delayOrders: - Time in seconds to delay command on autoview
typeMsg: - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker: - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
f_take(_take_price, _account, _exchange, _i, i_delayOrders, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the stop order message
_take_price: - The order stop price
_account: - The user account
_exchange: - The user exchange
_i: - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_delayOrders: - Time in seconds to delay command on autoview
typeMsg: - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker: - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
f_update(_account, _exchange, _i, i_delayOrders, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the update order message
_account: - The user account
_exchange: - The user exchange
_i: - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_delayOrders: - Time in seconds to delay command on autoview
typeMsg: - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker: - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
f_exit(_account, _exchange, _i, i_delayOrders, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the exit order message
_account: - The user account
_exchange: - The user exchange
_i: - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_delayOrders: - Time in seconds to delay command on autoview
typeMsg: - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker: - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
f_hedge(_account, _exchange, _i, i_delayOrders, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the exit order message
_account: - The user account
_exchange: - The user exchange
_i: - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_delayOrders: - Time in seconds to delay command on autoview
typeMsg: - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker: - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
ข้อมูลและบทความไม่ได้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อก่อให้เกิดกิจกรรมทางการเงิน, การลงทุน, การซื้อขาย, ข้อเสนอแนะ หรือคำแนะนำประเภทอื่น ๆ ที่ให้หรือรับรองโดย TradingView อ่านเพิ่มเติมที่