//---------------------- Engulfing ------------------------------ //barcolor(open[1] > close[1] ? close > open ? close >= open[1] ? close[1] >= open ? close - open > open[1] - close[1] ? color.yellow :na :na : na : na : na) //-----------------------------------------------------------------
changcDir = ta.cross(f3,l100) alertcondition(changcDir, title="Alert: FTS Direction Change", message="FTS has changed direction!")
l1 = state[1] == "long" and ta.crossunder(norm_c, f1[1]) l2 = state[1] == "long" and ta.crossunder(norm_c, f2[1]) l3 = state[1] == "long" and ta.crossunder(norm_c, f3[1]) s1 = state[1] == "short" and ta.crossover(norm_c, f1[1]) s2 = state[1] == "short" and ta.crossover(norm_c, f2[1]) s3 = state[1] == "short" and ta.crossover(norm_c, f3[1])
atr = ta.sma(trueRange, 14)
//////////// FIB ALERTS /////////////////////
alertcondition(l1, title = "cross over Fib1", message = "Price crossed below Fib1 level in long trend") alertcondition(l2, title = "cross over Fib2", message = "Price crossed below Fib2 level in long trend") alertcondition(l3, title = "cross over Fib3", message = "Price crossed below Fib3 level in long trend") alertcondition(s1, title = "cross under Fib1", message = "Price crossed above Fib1 level in short trend") alertcondition(s2, title = "cross under Fib2", message = "Price crossed above Fib2 level in short trend") alertcondition(s3, title = "cross under Fib3", message = "Price crossed above Fib3 level in short trend")
alertcondition(fixnan(f1)!=fixnan(f1[1]), title = "Stop Line Change", message = "Stop Line Change")