
Candle Patterns H1 Chart

Small mistake fixed.
Trend AnalysisMoving AveragescandlestickpatternoutsidebarInside BarDojirejectionPin Barpinescript1hour
With the right knowledge on price action and this indicator you would be able to make great trades.

! ! ! IMPORTANT ! ! !
Only works on 1 hour chart.
Also I designed it on Forex charts so if you want to try on other charts you are more than welcome to try and see if it works.

I will write a pdf file on how to analyze the chart correctly and if you have access to the chart you will get access to the pdf as well. Some people will notice the Candlestick patters and dont need the pdf, or you can go and read on "google" what all this patterns mean.

Alarm system is in place. Pro members will be able to put one alarm per share and get alarm on each label. Pro members get only 10 alarms per account.

Doji = Doji for Bull and Bear
Rej = Green - Bullish Red - Bearish
OC = Green - Outside candle Bullish Red - Outside candle Bearish
"IB" = Green - Inside bar Bullish Red - Inside bar Bearish
"PB" = Green - Bullish Pin Bar Red - Bearish Pin Bar

Let me know if you would like to have this indicator. I will give the first few for free as soon as there are a few people that have this indicator I am going to start selling it! :)

I have no coding background at all. . .

I would like to have your comments on this indicator.

Better alarm system.
