This script is generate multiple types of resistance line which later work as support too on daily time frame.
this is not final breakout line but give you approx. idea about the support and resistance using this script.
No of lines are below
1) Pullback Line
this line is generated when close[2] >= close[1] and close[1] >= close
means 2 days straight todays close is below its previous days close, with rising volume.
2) Rising Line
this line is generated when close > close[1] and close[1] > close[2]
means 2 days straight todays close > previous days close, with rising volume.
3) Vshape Line
this line is generated when close > close[1] and close[1] < close[2]
means todays close above previous days close and previous days close is below its previous days close, with rising volume.
4) 2 Bar Fail Line
this line is generated when close < open and close[1] >= open[1] and open >= close[1] and close < close[1]
means todays close < open and previous day close >= previous day open and todays open >= previous day close and todays close < previous days close, with decreasing in volume.