PURPOSE: Looks for trends in Revenue, Margins, Earnings (RME) and provides a quick indication of where to focus your attention. Developed for educational purposes for my Investing Program Students at Everett Community College, Everett, WA.
Based on the principle that fundamental trends support technical price trends this indicator intends to help swing and position trading students evaluate the income statement by exposing recent trends in the revenue, margins, and earnings looking at eight quarters of data. It requires three quarters to determine a trend therefore there is a heavy focus on the last three quarters of data. Tools and indicators should be used to "tell something useful" in this case it is specifically is revenue, margins, and earnings expanding, contracting, or flat? Is this movement accelerating or decelerating? Lastly some logic is used to interpret at glance whether this stock warrants a closer look into the fundamentals and technicals of this particular company.
This is a brief description on how to use this tool
1. TOP ROW: This shows the symbol and then provides a summation indicator (Green Checkmark, Yellow caution triangle, Red X) for each section (Revenue, Margins, Earnings). At a glance shows strength/weakness/concerns.
2. TABLE: You will see 8 quarters of data assuming it is available broken into sections for Revenue, Margins, and Earnings.
3. COLUMNS: The text color red does not denote a negative number and the text color green does not denote a positive number. Rather in the column of data where it is displayed, the green text helps visually show a bullish trend when each value is greater than the prior value and the red text helps visually show a bearish trend when each value is less than the prior value. Yellow background in columns highlights values which should not normally be negative numbers.
4. 3Q TREND ROW: This row analyzes the last three quarters of data in the column to determine if the trend is rising, falling, or flat.
5. 3Q ROCK ROW: This row analyzes the last three quarters of data to determine if the trend is accelerating up, accelerating down, or momentum (MOM) is sideways.
6. BOTTOM ROW INDICATORS: Based on whether the numbers are negative or positive and the trend, This row shows one of the following results:
6a. Green Checkmark is considered acceptable performance.
6b. Yellow Caution Triangle indicates a closer inspection of this columns data is warranted.
6c. Orange Diamond is more serious than the Caution but not as bad as a Red Flag. Extra caution is required here.
6d. Red Flag indicates a warning that undesirable performance characteristics are associated with the data in this column.