Binance Pseudo Funding Fee

The indicator calculates the Funding Fee for Binance based on the Premium Index provided by TradingView. The calculation formula can be found here: Binance Funding Rate Introduction. This is NOT the official rate visible on and used for settlements, but rather an estimated rate, which is inherently INACCURATE. The accuracy of the calculation heavily depends on the timeframe, with almost perfect results on minute-based timeframes.

For the most accurate calculations, you need to visit Binance Funding History and fill in the corresponding Interval, Interest Rate, and Funding Cap/Floor settings for the specific symbol in the indicator's settings. I understand this is not convenient, but for now, this is how it works.

The blue bars indicate the settlement time. Funding can be smoothed using moving averages. Both the funding rate and the moving averages are displayed using plot and are labeled, so you can set alerts on them.
