fibonacci(up, down, calculate, log, color1, color2, plot) Creates an array with fibbonaci levels and plots lines. Parameters: up (float) down (float) calculate (bool) log (bool) color1 (color) color2 (color) plot (bool) Returns: [fibo0382, fibo0500, fibo0618, up_fibo1618, up_fibo2618, down_fibo1618, down_fibo2618] --> var float tupple.
fibonacciExtension(up, down, direction, log, calculate, color1, plot) Fibonacci extension. description up (float) Up level. description down (float) Down level. description direction (string) Options "up" or "down". Parameters: up (float) down (float) direction (string) log (bool) calculate (bool) color1 (color) plot (bool) Returns: [level1618, level2618] -> var float, var float
trendFibo(uptrend, downtrend, log_option, color1, color2, plot) Calculates automatic fibo values based on trends, returning a tupple with most important values. Parameters: uptrend (bool) downtrend (bool) log_option (bool) color1 (color) color2 (color) plot (bool) Returns: [down_fibo2618, down_fibo1618, fibo0000, fibo0382, fibo0500, fibo0618, fibo1000, up_fibo1618, up_fibo2618]
v2 Just added force_overlay = true in commands.