Intraday CPR with Previous Highs and Lows and Swing Highs/Lows
This Pine Script indicator plots the Central Pivot Range (CPR) for the current trading day along with previous day's high (PDH), low (PDL), and swing high/low (Swing H/L) values. It also includes the high, low, and swing high/low values from two days back for reference.
Key Features: Central Pivot Range (CPR):
Pivot Point (PP): The central pivot point. Bottom Central Pivot (BC): The lower boundary of the CPR. Top Central Pivot (TC): The upper boundary of the CPR. The area between the BC and TC is shaded for better visualization. Previous Day and Two Days Back Values:
Previous Day High (PDH) and Low (PDL): Plots the high and low of the previous trading day. Two Days Back High and Low: Plots the high and low from two trading days ago. Previous Day Swing High/Low: The highest high and lowest low from a specified period (swing period) of the previous trading day. Two Days Back Swing High/Low: The highest high and lowest low from a specified period (swing period) of two trading days ago.