
Price Bubble Meter (Moving Average to Price Distance)

This indicator measures Price Distance (in %) from any given Moving Average.
It will help you see if the price is over extended or in the fair price zone.

Trend Analysis
  • How much % higher is the current price compared to 200W SMA
  • What % has been the maximum price rise from 200W SMA
  • What % has been the lowest price fall from 200W SMA

DCA Opportunity Finder
  • How much % higher is the current price compared to 2 year SMA
  • What % has been the maximum price rise from 2 year SMA
  • What % has been the lowest price fall from 2 year SMA

Yes you can manually measure it all using a ruler, but aint no one got time for that foo.
Switching to 2 year on weekly timeframe
Change the logic to capture Lows and Highs
added display for historic min and max bubble levels
