v7 Much improved API with higher reliability and flexibility.
refreshXPos(lbl, offset) Refreshes the x position of label.
lbl: The label to update.
offset: A positive value will push label one bar to the right and a negative value to the left.
Returns: The time value that was used.
create(level, txt, labelColor, textColor, size, textAlign, offset, tooltip) For creating a label at the last bar.
level: The value to display the label at.
txt: The text to show on the label.
labelColor: The background color of the label.
textColor: The text color of the label.
size: The size of the text. Default is large.
textAlign: The alignment of the text. Default is left.
offset: A positive value will push label to the right and a negative to the left.
tooltip: The optional tooltip of the label.
Returns: The label that was created.
add(level, txt, labelColor, textColor, size, textAlign, offset, tooltip) For displaying a label at the last bar.
level: The value to display the label at.
txt: The text to show on the label.
labelColor: The background color of the label.
textColor: The text color of the label.
size: The size of the text. Default is large.
textAlign: The alignment of the text. Default is left.
offset: A positive value will push label to the right and a negative to the left.
tooltip: The optional tooltip of the label.
Returns: The label being managed.