Combined Options Indicator Indicator combines 2 option charts value with an operator.In the example, It combines 48600 strike call and put of banknifty, effectievely giving straddle price. Features:
Combine any two option instruments (calls or puts) with customizable parameters Support for different underlying instruments (NIFTY, BANKNIFTY, etc.) Apply various operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or exponentiation Visualize results as either candlesticks or a line chart Customizable colors for bullish and bearish movements Information panel displaying individual and combined values
Usage: Input all components of each option symbol separately including instrument name, expiry details (year, month, day), option type (call/put), and strike price. The indicator automatically constructs the symbols, retrieves their data, and applies your selected operation to display the combined values. Ideal for option traders looking to track custom spreads, analyze volatility, or create tailored trading indicators based on option price relationships.