[XC] Adaptive strategy with volume bands

First much thanks to alexgrover for his rich source of unbelievable indicators

The list below shows as an example some might profitable strategy settings.
But like every new strategy only a long term test can tell you if it works.

//Curency - - src Time stategy Length C. Factor Smoothed SL TP Profit Factor (with no Commission)
//BTCUSD NOHA close 15min 1 240 10 yes 3000 25000 4.2 (June 2019)
//XBTUSD NOHA close 15min 1 310 0.00006 no 1000 11000 2.3 (June 2019)
//IOTABTC NOHA close 15min 1 380 0.0004 no 2000 11000 10.6 (June 2019)

