Mini Chart

The indicator displays a mini candlestick chart as a table. You can add up to 3 such charts and use different assets / timeframes in any of them. Each chart can have a max of 15-20 candles (depending on the settings). You can customise the colors and styles, including price scale, grid and a volume chart. If you hover on any displayed candle, you will see price and volume info for that candle. The candles can also be highlighted based on price or volume. The indicator can display data from both higher and lower timeframes, but is not updating very quickly if you display too many candles.

Each mini chart has inputs for:
- Number of candles
- Timeframe
- Asset
- Table position
- Table height
- Grid resolution
- Left and Right price scales
- Candle highlighting (which can be based on Min/Max price, Min/Max Volume, Rising/Falling Volume)
- And a checkbox for displaying volume chart below the candles

Below those inputs you have inputs for customising all the mini charts with the following:
- Header and Footer info
- Colors and styles of the charts, candles and price scales
- Sizing and spacing of the candles
- Height of the volume chart and padding of the price chart

The indicator utilises "table" objects. The limit of table cells for a chart is 10,000. Thus, the more candles you display in the mini charts, the more laggy the indicator will feel, and at some point you may surpass the 10,000 cells limit, at which point you're going to get an error.

The indicator might not update very quickly, especially if you're using data from lower timeframes.
