
DUSK Network to Participate in Privacy Guardians in Barcelona on April 24th


DUSK Network’s lead cryptographer, Marta Bellés Muños, is scheduled to speak at the Privacy Guardians conference in Barcelona on April 24th. She will be participating in a panel discussion with other notable figures in the field, including Jordi Baylina, co-founder of Polygon, and Jose Luis Muñoz, a researcher at Polytechnic.

Refer to the official tweet by DUSK:


Continuing the ZKP and blockchain tour, our lead cryptographer Marta Bellés Muños will be speaking at the @privacyguardia event in Barcelona next week 🎉

She will be on a panel, alongside Jordi Baylina (co-founder of Polygon zkEVM) and Jose Luis Muñoz (researcher at Polytechnic…

เม.ย. 20, 2024


Dusk Network is a Layer-1 blockchain designed to provide confidentiality, programmability, and data verification capabilities.

The main goal of Dusk Network is to create a secure and confidential blockchain platform that can be used for various financial applications such as digital assets, securities, and contracts. The platform places a strong emphasis on privacy, as it ensures transaction and smart contract confidentiality.

One of the unique features of Dusk Network is its consensus mechanism, which combines elements of Proof of Stake (PoS) and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP). This allows for confidential transactions without compromising security and scalability.

The DUSK token is utilized within the Dusk Network ecosystem to incentivize network participation and support. Additionally, the token is used for transaction fees and smart contract deployment.