

🔥 Hey hey, hope everyone's been well, here we are once again, coming through with a quick follow up for you guys on behalf of our previous idea. As always, thanks for joining me for a bit, appreciate it!

🔥 In our last idea we added that ascending channel and highlighted the fact that we didn't want to lose it else we'd likely fall and that's exactly what ended up happening. Here's a link to the idea, chart below for anyone that'd like to check it out:

🔥 We already knew we we're testing that support since we'd already had one touch there and we're fighting with the 200 EMA before we ultimately lost it, compare that to today's chart and we can see how we've been flowing through these channels which I've now added in the blue lines to make things simple.

🔥 The ascending channel took us down before we hit that support at 0.5146 by which then once we got that retest of the horizontal level bulls we're able to reverse things and we've even managed to regain the 200 EMA which is just great to see of course. That's what we like. In reference to the ascent I've added this ascending channel which we can see in depth below on a shorter time frame:

🔥 Judging by our current ascent, what matters is whether or not we keep above 0.526, if we can't keep above that horizontal level and our 20, 50 EMA's flip then expect some sort of retracement, especially if we lose that 200 EMA again. Just keep an eye on the horizontal levels which are in black and our ascending channel (within the blue lines). That's about our best reference points for now.

🔥 I've got to run, said this idea would be short and quick and so we'll leave things there for now, simply wanted to share some thoughts and all real quick with this follow up, we'll do a bigger picture analysis over the week too so keep posted for that! Thanks as always and till next, have a great day!

~ Rock '



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