Fibo Wedge Reveals opening on both SHORT and LONG XRPBTC
For whatever reason; chart is not publishing as it is on my screen so I've reprinted the SS above ^
T1-4 with TP1 & 2 being SHORTSELL exits (48-80 hrs)
*TP3 a mid position (timeframe 3-5 days)
*TP4 a LONG position (>7 days -- pointless to speculate)
*OFC stop @ 3151 <-- MOST IMPORTANT FIGURE!!
So I'm leaving this a neutral publication as there is virtually an entry/exit for whatever position (contingent on what type of trader) you are.
Personally; when BTCUSD is sideways/bearish I always like to snipe whatever quick shorts on alts I I usually pivot from my typical EMA50/EMA21 and venture into lower, high-risk/high-reward entries and toe the line between day/swing trading (if I have the extra time) for pairing against ANYTHIHNG other than FIAT USD is a TERRIBLE DECISION and something I would NOT ENCOURAGE AMATEURS TO DO! If you are not an experienced trader; let me reiterate, DO NOT BOTHER EXPERIMENTING WITH OTHER PAIRINGS BESIDES USD UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO LOSE, as these are very difficult trades to pinpoint timeframes/exits seeing as how you need not only BTC to decrease but the coin you're pairing it against to increase in volume/priceaction: so your normal indicators don't typically apply in certain contexts.
This is why I only stick to top 25-50 market cap coins & I don't trade in any coin (nothing in my portfolio) that I don't know everything about -- from the whitepaper, dev team, roadmap, updates, etc. everything...
I never understood how forextraders could take a position on a cryptocurrency when they haven't read the makes absolutely no sense and boggles the mind!
Would you invest in a product/service if you had NO IDEA what it did ? Just because the charts look decent? If so than you're a fool!