Yes you read that right, there is a new target.
Now, if you do not have much confidence in AriasWave yet then I suggest selling at the highs.
However if you understand the explanation provided in this video, your are most likely a member that has done their homework.
Below I will link the in-depth analysis on the US Dollar so you can visualize the details of what is coming next.
I will also link other previous related ideas below.
You will see how the analysis evolves in a timely manner in an attempt to perfect the count using the AriasWave methodology.
Remember to use Disciplined Money Management Principles to ensure longevity as a trader.
If you don't know the long term pattern shouldn't you be doing your research[b/] instead of just following the crowd?
Just remember: I am not a financial advisor, I suggest using this only as a guide. Always do your own research.
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