
BItcoin: Can it break the big downward channel?

nico14 ที่อัปเดต:   
KRAKEN:BTCUSD   บิทคอยน์
Can it break the big downward channel it follows since the bull run in June 2019?

Technical (bullish) signs:
-> Price is about tries to break through the since June 2019 respected resistance of the channel
-> Bearishness of MACD is stalling (on 3D even gets bullish slowly)
-> Fib 0.236 holds support since November
-> The TI Indicator (Tone Vays Version of TD Sequential) flipped green on the monthly

Fundamentally seen, BTC is rather bullish if you take into account, that fears of a recession (especially in USA and EU) and about the crisis in Iran increase.

More detailed view on 3D:
BTC broke the resistance and sucessfully retested the former resistance for support.



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