Never Try To Hide Your Mistakes By Making More Mistakes
One of the common patterns amongst Traders that's really causing them to unable to achieve consistency, is the fact that they do not own up/ admit their mistakes.
We're all humans, and we're bound to make errors every day, week, or month.
There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, and certainly making mistakes don't make you look stupid. It is the way that you refuse to admit that you've made mistakes that makes you look stupid.
Imagine today you've taken trades you're not supposed to take. During your self-reflection, you clearly knew you've over-traded, but you try to comfort yourself by putting the blame onto the markets, "the market condition was bad today, etc...".
Look.. Now you've made two mistakes. 1. Over-traded 2. Not being honest to yourself that you over-traded
Lying to yourself is one of the worst lies you can ever make. Overtime, It transforms and convinces you into accepting lies because it'd probably turned into a bad habit. It prevents you from growth, advance, and achieve.
Some of you probably have experienced lying to others. Ask yourself honestly, how many lies do you have to make up afterwards JUST TO cover up the first lie?
It's the same goes to yourself, your mind. The willingness to have complete transparency within your mind will boost your personal growth.
Sometimes, if you're experiencing some horrible trading days or months, make it a habit of sharing your mistakes with someone else. Trust me, the more you're willing to own up your errors, the better you perform.
Because now that you knew your problems, then you can always find solutions around it, if not, seek for help!