
XAUUSD Futurecast For Week of 2/26 Toll Super Highway

Greetings and salutations readers.

Last weeks adventures with check point charlie were fun, but the ticker had radar so went another route.

This week we have two event horizons looking like so I don't really know what to expect as its only the third or so model. My guess is, wide ranging swings in both direction.

Vertical lines indicate the date, and flags are anticipated check point charlies.

It smells like cattle dung, so the cows are still foraging. Watch out for the shepherds, they travel in bands, hold hands skipping singing tralala. I haven't figured out what their deal is, but the behavior is eerily similar to progressives, which are utterly dangerous for humanity.

They said make a plan, they said make a strategy, they said follow it.

The lack of a play plan, with specific objectives, can only lead to failure. This way if the trader is fast on his feet and dynamic, adjustments can be made to hold the ship true.
Do you hold the wheel when you drive or just make corrections?
The car steers itself, we as drivers simply make corrections.

Interesting week, three weeks in a row of executing my will over the beast system.

Once you exit the beast system by putting them on notice that you are the living beneficiary of your name, voiding out the surety bond on your head, anything is possible. The air of resistance melts away like butter on a warm toast.

A ship berths requiring a manifest of landing, your mother births you, requiring a certificate of landing, ie birth. Both contracts are the same, and handled similarly. Both have surety bonds on the cargo during loading, transport, and landing.

Just until a couple months ago you could still look up which companies your social security was tied to and traded under in the GMEI utility. Which obviously, was taken down, because people began demanding the treasury start paying the principal on the bond, us , the natural living human being.

They have been bonding and trading us like cattle on the stock market illegally since inception. Persons born before 1980 were bonded at around 600k with interest accruing until death. After 1980 the bond was into the millions, each now valued into several hundred millions. These bonds collect and get passed on to our descendants all while accruing interest. These bonds and the funds are rightfully the person secured in the bond, and if the public ever found out, they would obviously do nothing because they are brain dead and docile.

Have a great weekend, let's collect what is owed next week.

Friday was clearly manipulated, there was nothing to cause the rise except shady deals behind the veil. Monday will likely be a continuity of behind the scene manipulation, with things back to normal next tue - thur.
Friday was full moon, and if you would see the chat and watch the chart you would clearly identify the full moon condition in the people below it.
Monday will still be heavily influenced.
Do not forget, the people that run this realms infrastructure are occultists, and the 13 moon cycles are their real calendar. 13 months of 28 days as per nature.
They live by their symbols, that is how we know they are in play.
Their adherence to their cult, is seen in all their works by way of symbology, which to a student of these studies is plain to see like daylight.
They do not live by our rules, or see us on their level. To them we are just cattle!
