
XAUUSD (1h) under 1240$ at least, upside trend is broken !?

Devise2Day ที่อัปเดต:   
FX_IDC:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
Take care
& analyzed it again
- it`s always your decision ...
(for a bigger picture zoom the chart)

This is only a trading capability - no recommendation !!!
Buying/Selling or even only watching is always your own responsibility ...

Best regards :)
switch into short mode, if XAUUSD falls between 1243.78 & 1240! I just saw CNN Quests interview with NY FED Dudley ( and it tasted bad for me as xauusd bulls last days, weeks! And after I perfumed myself now i`m proceeding that march rate hike is in play!

Even "obviously fairly soon" - unspoken next date :)
So, i am excepting a rate hike in march - `cause FED Chair Women Yellen is much more kosher as we traders all can imagine and the economy incl. financial markets (USequities & USyields) maybe much more robust as we`re thinking?!

How ever, that lay´s on my heart - but don`t buy this conclusions without self-reflection! think about it oncve again and take care, how ever you`ll decide! We can talk about after next fed meeting, even in march, at least!?

Best regards!


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