
Gold (XAU/USD) Weekly Long Setup (+182.3 pips) 10:52:55 (UTC)

TayFx ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
From a technical perspective this lines great with a ascending trendline, looking for a push to the upside to from the right shoulder of what looks to be a head and shoulder pattern just under a major psych level of 1.6 I am not taking a trade but I think the TA is too good to not post for this particular asset class.

-Daily rising trend line (3rd touch)
-Zone of proven resistance; now turned support
-Daily head and shoulder pattern
-Fulfills longterm bullish bias (1 week and up)

10:52:55 (UTC)
Tue Feb 4, 2020
Wong as it gets!!!!



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