

UDAY_C_Santhakumar Wizard ที่อัปเดต:   
NYSE:WFC   Wells Fargo & Company
One more long idea, $BYND. Another in $WPM.

$MRNA is sold off enough to swing it up - BE CAREFUL. They may lose all the hype overnight or one bad news could swing it down significantly lower.
Range on JWN was about 19-20... Nothing below... for a short entry.
BYND - I am out.... got options filled quickly.
Not many picks to publish. Only two tickers out of 6 scanners. So, Skipping new picks today as well.

Tomorrow some important numbers are to be out. May be that will provide some directional trade picks.
I am so happy that my two staged trigger I designed always help me.

Its simple, but keeps you off crap blow out most of the time. Most of the time is good for me.
I followed the price action all the way. Entered almost at top with shorts and Out already.
Out of WFC, JWN, FDX plays.

Uday C Santhakumar

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