FX:USOIL   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างน้ำมันดิบ (WTI)
  • The WTI Crude touched a Low of $40.55 last week after the release of inventory data (Last Wednesday) showing over Supply.

  • The recent release of Chinese PMI data showing signs of Chinese economy slowing down further, which puts additional pressure on Oil going forward.
Read More Here :

  • Buyers Buy $41.10-$41.30 for targets of $44-$45 and a Stop below $40.40.
  • Sellers Wait for the Bounce to complete and Short around $46 levels and stops around $48 targeting $35.

I hope i have not disappointed anyone because i have something for everyone ;) But i am more biased towards the short side.

Happy Trading People




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