TVC:USOIL   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างน้ำมันดิบ WTI
Oil short still going well, will add more exposure this week if we get back up to the structural trendline (blue), around 112-113 I think. If we follow bear flag path, we drop to 100 by early July.

Any touch of the structural trendline is a short until they take it out with a 4 hour candle close.

Oil may simply drop from here, but it should get back to the trendline on any countertrend rally, good luck
Under 108 and stops will start getting popped hard.
Usoil divided by SPY
bear flag break, stops taken out fully
BOunce back to blue trendline, still an objective short at 109-110 area.


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