
Long Oil (Contrarian trade on Weekly Oversold, good Risk/Reward)

FX:USOIL   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างน้ำมันดิบ (WTI)
Notes on chart. I'm posting it again to get the trade more clear with stops/targets. Will play with USO since don't have a futs account.

I'll go there in 2 tranches:

1. Immediate: Buying at WTI 44, target 50.75, stop 40.01 (def won't risk losing 40-handle on WTI - LOTS of negative momo are still around).

2. Contigent: Buying at spot if, at the end of August 10th, SPY closes green, TLT crosses red (failure to cross the 200-day MA), DXY closes red. Target WTI 54.75, stop 40.01.


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