FX:USOIL   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างน้ำมันดิบ (WTI)
USOIL is tracing out a trianlge in wave X (Minute degree). The risk is to the down side.
Subminuette wave A is finished and market will rally in submunuette wave be to a target of $94.497 to $96.230.
The rally from $87.056 low to date is wave which and is in its final stages.
The rally from august 5 low to date that was forecasted hit the target of $94.497 indicating the rally is nearly ending. After the rally further declined is expected to take prices low the august 5 low of $87.01 to complete Subminuette wave C, which also completes minuette wave Y.



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