this will be the next trade to me

OAKS ที่อัปเดต:   
TVC:USOIL   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างน้ำมันดิบ WTI
Technically, we finished the right shoulder now, and now could expect to start a new journey soon, now wait for some correction of the gap (better to see a flag in smaller picture).. if you are afraid miss the train this time, make a plan, add position gradually during the correction procedure, all SL should be under 52, and allow your account to be healthy if you had a wrong trade..

and here attached the bigger picture, to show the Right shoulder, but now it break already
this is why i say 62 for the next trade and what to expect right now in the smaller picture

for technical analysis details, this video will still will be very helpful IMO
sorry for the weekly target outlook 62, it did send the info clearly above, see this one
should take care if it pull back deeper
short termly looking for a sell, mid term still looking for buy the impulse
looks like break down this double support here.... don't jump in buy now followers, although this idea at the beginning suggest so..i changed the buy idea here at this level, will see 49 firstly then correction then may be one more down to the next big support

And this move quite like DXY in past days, drop through the bullish trend line support, will they both kiss the former Trading range upper boundary or even the big support in daily-weekly chart? (DXY Chart below)


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