FX:USDJPY   ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ / เยนญี่ปุ่น
USDJPY 4H chart tech analysis shows the following:

The USDJPY made a long development under the KUMO cloud (4H) breaching the Tenkan Sen (light green line) and Kijun Sen (blue line) with a long candlestick. Now the pair encounter with the KUMO and the Chikoun Span (purple line) with the Kijun Sen. This is a resistance for sure.

MACD is forcing bullish over the zero line. The RSI > 60 --> bullish.

I think that the wait and see is the right strategy because the pair is very close to break the bottom (101.25) or the top side of descending triangle (102.10). My secret thoughts are bullish because I wait for a USDollar reaction above 10.400.

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