
Loonie breaks major support 1.3780, targets 1.3705/1.3640

FX:USDCAD   ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ / ดอลลาร์แคนาดา
Major Support - 1.3780 (Sep 9th 2015)

Loonie has broken major support 1.3780 and declined till 1.37621 at the time of writing. It is currently trading around 1.3765.

Any break below major support 1.3780 will drag the pair till 1.3700 (trend line joining 1.2830 and 1.36392)/1.3635.

On the higher side minor resistance is around 1.3850 and break above targets 1.3900/1.39600.

Overall bearish invalidation only if it closes above 1.4000.

It is good to sell around 1.3780 with SL around 1.3855 for the TP of 1.3705/1.3635



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