
Dow30 [17Jan2022]

reddan256 ที่อัปเดต:   
CAPITALCOM:US30   ดัชนีเฉลี่ยอุตสาหกรรมดาวโจนส์
One of the US index that remains with a green signal (for now). Seems like it is oversold and volatility suggests it's a new lower high. Given the upside to downside ratio for today, I will be on the buy side until the signal changes.
Also, similar signals are observed in XLI, XLB and XLP. Although XLP and XLB will be a core long position starting this week and for foreseeable future. So if you are buying XLB and XLP with me, have a good risk management in place.

ปิดการเทรด ด้วยตนเอง:
Closed in Jan 13 when signal went grey with other exposures changing



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