TVC:US10Y   พันธบัตรรัฐบาลสหรัฐอายุ 10 ปี

called the top on the us10y last year as well.
(view post at the bottom of this thread).

swinging by to actually adjust my public bias, after a few recent discoveries.


jerome powell explicitly mentioned in a few of the recent talks that the fed is going to raise the interest rates above 5%, and keep them there for some time.
what this tells me, is they're expecting inflation to tick back up - or they're taking the extra precautions to ensure that this indeed doesn't take place.


what i am implying here in my count - is an extension to 5.9% (at the bare minimum).
this could mark a top, unless we pull back in three waves (the same we did from the recent top).




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