
Beautiful Breakout in UCO BANK.

BullishLine ที่อัปเดต:   
Good morning Traders.

Here is the technical analysis of UCO Bank we all should know.

>> Chart is self explanatory but to elaborating more Stock was consolidating in Symmetrical tringle pattern since 9 months. Where it has made a beautiful support and resistance lines in triangular shape and gave a Nit and clean breakout.

>>In the weekly time frame, we can observe that it had previously given a rectangular breakout after 15 months of consolidation and went up by more than 150%. Now, after this previous rectangle breakout, a recent triangle pattern has emerged, appears more of a flagpole pattern in weekly TF. These increase the likelihood of success for this stock.

>> Over the past decade, the stock has undergone a substantial correction of over 90%. However, upon examining its financials, it appears to be more stable and promising, as its non-performing asset (NPA) ratio has consistently decreased.

>>Now, we can consider entering the trade if it continues to sustain above the breakout line. Our target could be a minimum of 20% at the 37 level, while it's important to set a stop-loss at 13% below, around the 26.80 level.

Do consider pressing the boost button🚀🚀, It helps me bring more interesting analysis. And if you've any question and suggestion please feel free to post in comment section.

Please note I am not SEBI registered. Do your own research before investing.
The stock is up by 7% from the entry point 🚀, and it appears all set to reach it potential target. Cheers to those who are in this trade! 🎉 Happy trading.


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