
Tesla. That's The Top. Roast Me.

TSLA has had quite the come-up recently - I think I've said that phrase about 3 times in the past year. Here's the case - this looks like a solid third wave extension I identified this when I zoomed out to the daily candles. You can see the detailed wave-count on the 4-hour chart starting from November of last year.

Predicting a rather severe correction potentially ending in the lower 300 range - this move would be incredibly healthy for TSLA in the long term as it validates this entire bull run-up. Price points obtained with volume-profile and various fib retrace zones.

(Reference Image here for third-wave extension https://www.elliottwavetrader.net/images/charts/201809/full-c2d3ee6c007a6101c7bf984f66d9ae74350705a5.png)
So far seems valid. Covid news def gave it a start.
Elliott WaveEWTTechnical IndicatorsKEKTOP

