CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL   มูลค่าตลาดรวมของคริปโต, $
1) Total market capitalization declined has confirmed. This is one more argument that the price action since December 2022 is a bear structure.

2) Right now, Bitcoin price has gone under the 2009 trend line. The single relatively safe entry point to i see on BTC for speculations is 38k. Due to massive SMA support there the pattern might be more complex than straight ABC structure.

3) 5 ways down is never the end of a structure, according to Elliot waves principle.

There are no certainties in the market, only probabilities, so the bearish scenario is invalidated if BTC price fixes above 74 thousand, within 2 days.

Find more morę arguments in previous postings.

Good luck in your trading and have a massive profit!


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