
March trade

Trading in March idea from Investopedia.
Tiffany & Co. (TIF) also has an 81% win rate, moving higher in 21 of the last 26 Marches. The winning months produced an average gain of 9.63%, while losing months dropped -6.2% on average. Dividing the average win by average loss gives a reward:risk of 1.55. This stock has the biggest March gain on the list at 30.89%; it also had the biggest loss on this list at -12.3%. Holding a position during the month of March, in each of the last 26 years, produced an average gain of 6.59%.
Read more: These Stocks are Strong March Performers (PEP, AME, TIF) | Investopedia .
target from a double bottom pattern gives a gain of 8.44% slightly above the march average.
That went well, got the 8% in 4 days. (lower margin hold cost for the trade)
Trade closed, target hit.
