1. Intrinsic value Analysis: Trading at 66% below estimate of its fair value 2. Earning forecast: Earnings are forecast to grow 22.88% per year 3. Past earnings: Earnings grew by 37% over the past year 4. Peers Comparison: Trading at good value compared to peers and industry 5. General Analysts Outlook: Most Analysts in good agreement that stock price will rise by 39% 6. FII and DII participation: Yes 7. Profitable business process: Yes 8. Promotor Holding: Promoter holding greater than 50% 9.OPM %: Operating margin is Greater than 18% 10. Cash Rich Analysis: Cash Rich organization: free cash flow continuously Increasing, but not upto the standards. 11. Technical outlook: Not great 12. Debt: Debt free organization 13. Export oriented business impact: Yes and currency fluctuation impacts the qtly results. 14. Business Out look: Good but not great 15. Socio-Economical impact on Sector or Stock: Nil 16. National or International Policy change impact: Nil 17. Sectorial influence: Nil 18. Product or Service divergence: Nil SL compulsory