Big fan of FinTwit and 15 minute VIX. Falling Wedge Reversal Pattern
StrizziJ Calls out the top this morning on Tue 15min.
Cem Karsan (Jam Croissant) explains in a tweet in January that these are Vanna Flows.
Vol down every day means buying indices overnight. Vol up means selling overnight.
Vanna/Charm flows are hedged by banks & naive primary dealers on the open of US trading & into close.
He further points out that Algos & European traders front run these flows starting around 1am CST to sell on US Open.
Cem believe the excess risk adjusted returns are 100% a result of captive Vanna/Charm flows…
Cem also posted in a tweet on Monday about an upcoming window of weakness in Vanna/Charm flows.
Direction after July 13AM? Likely a lot of CPI pain to come. Oil is a big issue at G7. Burry is calling for a Bear rally before the big siesta. Bears gotta eat before hibernation.
Depends if VIX Daily bounces or Fails Retest and targets 21 before Jul 13 window.