
"No doubt" A Harmonic Pattern.... but...?

FX:SPX500   ดัชนี เอส&พี 500
No doubt
The harmonic "force" is strong with this pattern having many confluence fib lines almost in a cluster around 2132 - 2139.
It fits well with my more overall target for the SP making a top at I'm of cause biased here..... no doubt.
That said... I do not recognize this pattern from the rulebook of harmonics and I have not backtested it
so it can not be called a fully valid textbook harmonic. The closest I can get to a similar pattern structure is the cypher pattern.

My chart : Bullish Bat (see link underneath) argue for a target 2 at 2105....will price go further.....Well....Time will tell.

Fear not

Plz. consider following me on Twitter...sometimes it's easier for me to make a quick update there.

Music at work: (Remember your subwoofer on this on)


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