SPX/SPY Update Using NWR

A quick update from the one past SPX ideas i've shared.

I had to put a lot of trust in this yesterday as it fell off a bit. But realising it looks live the beginning of the A wave I remained confident. Thinking it will surge back to where it began the day, above the moving average.

So that means we're now in the retrending B wave. It can go as high as it wants. What matters is where the C ends. Then we can project a target from the end of the C wave. That target will be maximum 100% of the 3rd wave. As 3 mustn't be the smallest.

But remember according another projection of mine we only have 2.5 weeks for that to happen. So these times will be volatile.

Let's wait and see. Thanks for reading
SPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)spx500forecastspx500longSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)

