
[solana] is going to $1

remember when i said i'd buy solana at $10, back when it was at $200+?*
remember when i called out a solana buy at $8.08 last december?*

if you do, then remember my words tonight:
solana hits $1 in 2024.




solana came up in 5 waves on a weekly timeframe, from 2020 into 2021.
since then, it has been in a simple zig-zag, coming down in 3 waves, with an estimated downside target sitting at $1.

this might seem highly improbable for a majority of the market at this time due to an enormous amount of greed, but this was all part of the og plan. now that a majority of the market has been placed strategically on one single side, a powerful strike will take place, to inflict the most painful of all inflictions.

you've been warned.




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