SMCI Short Iron Condor Idea, Expiration (7/19) Prior to Earnings
SMCI, Short Iron Condor Trade Idea, Expiration (7/19) Prior to Earnings
+1 $1070 call 7/19 -1 $1060 call 7/19
Current Price: $820
-1 $670 put 7/19 +1 $660 put 7/19
Limit price $4.20 CURRENT Bid -$0.80, Ask $4.10 (as of 6/28, close)
Risk:Reward: $580:$420, or 1:4
Probably won't get the fill Monday 7/1 unless there are big moves. But, if by some miracle it does fill, it would likely be a good candidate to buy-to-close quickly for a small profit, or to wait until close to expiration to buy to close and sell to open a new one (roll). Worst case scenario would be unexpected early assignment. TBD