Silver can now go up till 17,20/40/60 bevore the next downwave comes.
This can happen in the next 2 weeks. Than down till end of year to 16,00 maybe deeper.
So look at your own plan and good luck.
Silver don't make the upmove. So now we can look for the bottom to buy.
But we are in a longer sideways consolidation i think. So i look for the further marks.
Up to 17,70 -18,50 than down to 17,00 - 16,50 another up to 18,00 than a bigger down to 16 - 15 14,-- maybe bevore we see a big and long upper to 20 - 26,00 §
For daytrader sometimes critical. For lonterm investmenst (best ist physicals) no problem. so good luck to all and look at your MM and RM.
SilverWave Analysis

