
Diary | 3/16/2020 | /SI Spread

Physik ที่อัปเดต:   
COMEX:SI1!   ฟิวเจอร์ส โลหะเงิน

Directional Play: Yes, sticking to my thesis from a while back that gold and silver have room to pullback.
Technical: Long-term support and resistance level.
Fundamental: Contra to popular belief, /SI and /GC are not acting like safe-havens.


Take profit? 50% credit received
Where will you hedge? $16.15

Strategy Details:

Short and Long leg: $16.15, $16.5
Short Leg Delta: 0.15
Duration: April 27


This is a page where I look to share knowledge and keep track of trades. If questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to comment. I think everyone can improve (myself especially), so if you see something wrong, speak up.
Counter put spread closed for $0.21DB. Will continue to monitor call side and balance directional risk when the opportunity arises.

This is a page where I look to share knowledge and keep track of trades. If questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to comment. I think everyone can improve (myself especially), so if you see something wrong, speak up.



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