The Fair Value Gap (FVG) is a concept in Forex trading that refers to the discrepancy between the current market price of a currency pair and its perceived intrinsic value . Traders often seek to exploit this gap, as they believe that exchange rates tend to converge towards their fair values over time . The FVG can be used as a basis for the Mean Reversal trading strategy, which assumes that the price of an asset tends to return to its historical average or mean price after deviating from it .
TradingView is a popular platform for traders to share ideas and strategies. It provides a variety of tools and indicators to help traders analyze the markets and make informed decisions. One such tool is the FVG Strategy - Fair Value Gap by Karoshi-Trading . This strategy relies on price action analysis and involves identifying market inefficiencies or imbalances. It offers a variety of customizable settings to match your preferences and includes an entry and exit strategy to guide you through trades .
In the context of the FVG, a long position can be taken when the market price of a currency pair is below its fair value . This is because traders anticipate that the price will eventually rise. TradingView provides a number of indicators and scripts that can help traders identify fair value gaps and take long positions accordingly.